Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Post #24: Sleep is a Very Complex Thing

I don't understand sleep.  I feel like college students are on a COMPLETELY different sleep schedule from normal people, both in when they sleep and when they feel like sleeping.

I don't understand how I was able to get up at 6am in high school.  Getting up at 10am for class is bad enough.  How has my body adjusted to this so badly?  I just don't understand.

I get so tired in the middle of the day, too.  I just want to go to bed, but when I try to take a nap, I end up playing stupid games on my phone or computer, which is an even LESS productive use of my than sleeping would be.  And at night?  I can't help but going out or hanging with friends when something fun is going on.  It's basically impossible for me to do work on Friday or Saturday nights, but sleeping? I can do that.  I should do that.  But I DON'T do that.

I am so tired.  Like, right now.  Writing this post is a struggle, because sleep is fatiguing me.  Sleep is actually making me tired.

These are the kind of things I say when I am too tired to write.

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