Monday, September 30, 2013

Post #4: Michigan: A Month of Predictions and Surprises

1. My idea of Michigan pre-college:
The main reason I chose to come to the University of Michigan was because, though I am in no way athletic, I love schools that are so connected through sports.  My vision of the University was not just a academically prestigious school was a great football team, but one that also comes together through cheering them on.  And with so many students, they definitely do that.

*Photo credits to my mother

2. What surprised me about Michigan:

What surprised me about college was that how
much freedom I got.  At home, I was never allowed to be out past a certain time, even on
weekends, but in college, I can be out as late as I
want (as long as it doesn't affect my studies)!

*Photo credits to Sarah Baronet

3. Where at Michigan I still want to go:

I grew up in Ann Arbor, so I used to hang out downtown and on 
campus all the time.  In fact, one reason I chose to come to the 
university was because of it's location.  However, I thought I
would be taking advantage of all parts of campus all the time, but I
haven't really gone anywhere past State street.  My goal is to try to
explore all parts of campus and downtown Ann Arbor, for there
are still tons of places I have never been to.  

*Photo credits to Suzi Scott

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Post #3: Second Draft Revision Analysis

Strategies for Revising:
-I read through my paper to see if every sentence makes sense.
-I looked at other people's comments to see if I want to change my writing, and how I want to change it.

Particular Strategies:
-I read through the essay for clarity.
-I made sure the arguments of the supporting paragraphs are reflected in my thesis.

Changes in My Paper:
-The thesis is getting stronger and more detailed.
-The topic sentences have become more argumentative.
-The vocabulary is getting more sophisticated, with more formal an less conversational language.

Post #2: First Draft Revision Analysis

1. In this paper, I am claiming that Big Guy sewed his friend's name into his hand either because he wants to prove he is a man who can make feminine activities manly, he is in love with his friend, or he is still in pain from his mother's death.

2. My pieces of evidence are that Big Guy combined sewing, a traditionally female activity, with pain, which represents manliness; he proved that he will withstand all means of torture to impress his friend's name upon him; and that was such a crazy act that it suggests Big Guy has gone over the edge, that his mother's death had an impact so great on him that he has gone crazy.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Post #1: "First Day"

I read the story "First Day," about a little girl going with her mom to the first day of Kindergarten.  The little girl is extremely excited to go to her first day of school; her hair is all done-up, her clothes are all ready, and there is even a flower behind her ear.  The two first go to Seaton Elementary School, which is conveniently right across from her mother's church, but are turned away because they don't live in the district.  They then go to Walker-Jones Elementary school. where, when filling out her forms, the little girl realizes that her mother doesn't know how to read.  She is too young to be embarrassed for her mother, as people surrounding them take turns to gawk, but as she gets older, the little girl thinks differently, and reflects on this first learning experience.

One of the most important parts of this story was when the girl is turned away from Seaton Elementary School, because not only greatly disappoints her, but it also frustrates her mother, for as the school was right across from her church, she feels a strong, spiritual connection with it.  Another part of this story that I thought was very important was when the little girl's mother admits to the woman at the registration table that she cannot read, because it connects to the first sentence of the story, that this was the morning "long before [the little girl] learned to be ashamed of [her] mother," and sparks a feeling of shadenfreude in the woman, and impolite staring for those who walk by.  The last moment I chose as one of the most important ones was the ending, when the little girl, though too young to fully understand what is going on, realized that her mother is different, and that feeling follows her throughout her entire life.